Exercise classes, museum trips, and on-site entertainment are just a few examples of the fun our residents have every day.  Download our latest Life Enrichment newsletter and calendars to learn more, and scroll down further to read about our Signature Programs.

March 2025 Activities

Signature Programs

Adventures in Art encourages experimentation with various media, tools, and everyday objects.  Each guided abstract art project provides an outlet for creativity, self-expression, and success. This small group meets on Fridays and is open to residents of various levels of cognition and abilities. The best of residents’ finished projects are highlighted in our bi-annual Art Show.

Canvas & Colas is Mennowood’s version of a paint night.  It is an activity for residents and family members to enjoy together. It also serves as a fundraiser for the Alzheimer’s Association. There is no charge to residents. No artistic ability or special talent is required. Participants are led step-by-step in a relaxed, failure-free environment as we socialize, paint to music, and of course, sip colas. This event is held every-other-month alternating with our Family Bingo night.

Staying active is important to our residents. Exercising is a good option for naturally managing pain and stiffness that comes with arthritis. It also supports a healthy immune system and digestive health.

Our Director of Life Enrichment leads Chair One Fitness—a nationally recognized comprehensive chair exercise program designed for individuals who have complications standing during a fitness regimen. This includes senior citizens, people with balance deficits, injuries, disabilities, or those who struggle with obesity. It is created to keep individuals mobile and to ensure they remain progressive in daily function and/or recovery. It delivers a fun, interactive workout that uplifts people while providing a total body workout. There is also chair yoga, weight training, stretching classes, exercise in the gazebo, dancercise, walking groups, and team sports.

Photography at Its Best
Mennowood offers photography club sessions led by Walt Brauckmann, a photographer and Independent Living resident, and Jim McLeod, a photographer and resident family member. They meet once a month to discuss photography topics, develop knowledge and skills, and encourage anyone who has an interest in this art form. Even those who have an appreciation for photography but don’t (yet) have a camera are welcome to join. They have taken trips to Huntington Park, Williamsburg Botanical Gardens, and museums.

Legacy Group
This group helps residents reminisce and write their own life story for their family. It is also an opportunity to socialize and share stories of their past.

To help gather photos to add to their stories, family photo opportunities are available to residents and their loved ones.  Interested families should contact our receptionist to schedule a time.

Science for Seniors
The Science for Seniors program is based on the idea that you are never too old to learn. It is composed of stimulating, hands-on science activities and covers topics such as volcanoes, oceans, rainforests, and outer space.  The program is geared towards engaging residents by providing them with science trivia, questions to spark conversations, resource material, and opportunities for further study.